The Founder and Director

Mr. Salvatore J. Ciresi is the founder and director of the St. Jerome Biblical Guild, and publishes Veritas Scripturae: The Bulletin of the St. Jerome Biblical Guild. Mr. Ciresi served two tours in the U.S. Marine Corps, and is now employed in the aviation sector. He earned his M.A. in Theological Studies, with a Scripture concentration, from the Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College, where he serves as an adjunct professor. His other ecclesiastical activities include past co-host of ‘Cross Talk,’ a Catholic radio program in Virginia; a contributor on behalf of the Arlington Diocese to the 2005 revision of the National Catechetical Directory (now called the National Directory for Catechesis); a former board member for a private Catholic school; a past columnist for the Arlington Catholic Herald; and a contributor to The Latin Mass: The Journal of Catholic Culture and Tradition. Mr. Ciresi resides with his wife and children in Virginia.