The Church Fathers: Individual Studies


St. Augustine:

Andrews, James A. Reading the Scriptures Series: Hermeneutics and the Church — In Dialogue with Augustine. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame, 2005.*

Bourke, Vernon J. Augustine’s Quest of Wisdom: Life and Philosophy of the Bishop of Hippo. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1945.

_____. The Essential Augustine: Second Edition. Indianapolis: Hackett, 1974.

Brady, Jules M., ed. An Augustine Treasury: Religious Imagery Selections Taken from the Writings of Saint Augustine. Boston: Daughters of St. Paul, 1981.

Brown, Peter. Augustine of Hippo: A Biography. Berkeley: University of California, 1967, 2000.*

Clark, Mary T. Outstanding Christian Thinkers Series: Augustine. London: Geoffrey Chapman, 1994.

D’Arcy, M. C., et al. Saint Augustine: His Age, Life, and Thought. NY: Meridian, 1957.

Fitzgerald, Allan, gen. ed. Augustine through the Ages: An Encyclopedia. Cambridge/Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999.#

Groeschel, Benedict J. The Crossroad Spiritual Legacy Series: Augustine, Major Writings. NY: Crossroad, 1995.

Guardini, Romano. The Conversion of St. Augustine. Chicago: Regnery Logos, 1966.

Hand, Thomas A. Spirituality for Today Series, Volume V: Augustine on Prayer, New Edition. NY: Catholic Book Publishing, 1963, 1986.

Howie, George, ed. St. Augustine: On Education. Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1969.*

Hugo, John J. St. Augustine on Nature, Sex and Marriage. Chicago: Scepter, 1969.

Huppe, Bernard F. Doctrine and Poetry: Augustine’s Influence on Old English Poetry. NY: State University, 1959.*

Markus, R. A., ed. Modern Studies in Philosophy: Augustine — A Collection of Critical Essays. Garden City: Doubleday, 1972.#

O’Donnell, James J. Augustine: A New Biography. NY: HarperCollins, 2005.

O’Meara, John J., ed. An Augustine Reader. Garden City; Image, 1973.

Paolucci, Henry, ed. The Political Writings of St. Augustine. Chicago: Regnery, 1962.

Pope, Hugh. Saint Augustine of Hippo: Essays Dealing with His Life and Times and Some Features of His Work. Garden City: Image, 1961.

Przywara, Erich. An Augustine Synthesis. London: Sheed & Ward, 1945.

Tack, Theodore E. As One Struggling Christian to Another: Augustine’s Christian Ideal for Today. Collegeville: Liturgical, 2001.

Trape, Agostino. Spirituality for Today Series, Volume IV: Saint Augustine — Man, Pastor, Mystic. NY: Catholic Book Publishing, 1986.

Van Bavel, T. J. Spirituality for Today Series, Volume II: Christians in the World — Introduction to the Spirituality of Augustine. NY: Catholic Book Publishing, 1980.

Van der Meer, F. Augustine the Bishop: Religion and Society at the Dawn of the Middle Ages. NY: Harper, 1961.



St. Jerome:

Brown, Dennis. Vir Trilinguis: A Study in the Biblical Exegesis of Saint Jerome. Kampen, The Netherlands: Kok Pharos, 1992.*

Kelly, J. N. D. Jerome: His Life, Writings, and Controversies. NY: Harper & Row, 1975.*

Mierow, Charles Christopher. Saint Jerome: The Sage of Jerusalem. Milwaukee: Bruce, 1959.

Murphy, F. X., ed. A Monument to St. Jerome: Essays on Some Aspects of His Life, Works and Influence. NY: Sheed & Ward, 1952.

Steinmann, Jean. Saint Jerome and His Times. Notre Dame: Fides, 1959.




von Balthasar, Hans Urs. Origen, Spirit and Fire: A Thematic Anthology of His Writings. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 2001.

de Lubac, Henri. History and Spirit: The Understanding of Scripture According to Origen. San Francisco: Ignatius, 1950, 2007.